Accelerated Development - Closing the Gap

The shortage of critical talent in the construction industry will be 3X worse by 2020.

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A critical shortage of talent will continue to worsen through 2030.

Talent Development: Accelerated Development, Closing The Gap.

The only way that we will be able to close this gap is if we focus on accelerating the development of people.  

This seems obvious but this is not a set of skills that comes naturally to people nor is it one that we focus on developing.  Developing these skills and habits within your team will enhance all other skill development you do:

  • How to identify specific knowledge gaps in ourselves and others
  • How to learn new things in a systematic and thorough way; even when the information is fragmented and imperfect
  • How to teach others effectively by learning different techniques in instructional design and communication
  • How to gradually increase the complexity of thinking in ourselves and others including depth, breadth, timespan, details, speed and projection even with uncertainty
  • How to take deliberate and agressive daily action to apply this knowledge
  • How to effectively align with and collaborate with a team for maximum results

The faster we learn to accelerate team development the more impact we will have on our customers, our company, our team, ourselves and our families.  

Learn more about how we have helped teams accelerate their development

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