How Effectively Do You Ask for Help?

Effectively asking for help is one of the most important skills you can build for your own development.

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Developing a team culture where everyone is comfortable asking for help and helping others is a critical leadership skill. 

Leadership Tools: How Effectively Do You Ask For Help? From the right people, with the right question, and the right timing.

Asking for help effectively requires:  

  1. Identify the best people who can help you whether they are inside or outside your company.  Find people who are about one stage of development past where you are trying to get to so they have enough mastery of the topic to explain it simply.  
  2. Formulate really good questions for them.  Taking the time to form great questions shows respect to those you are asking and will help you get the answers you are looking for.  
  3. Setup the right timing for the person you are asking even if it is not optimal for you.  Again; this shows respect and will help you get your answers.  

As you receive help from others make sure you always help others. 

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