Can't Read the Label From Inside the Jar

By definition it is impossible for any of us to know what we don’t know.

D. Brown Management Profile Picture
Quote: You can't read the label from inside the jar.

Who are the top 5 people inside your organization that help each other refine your models of projects, your company and the industry? 

Who are the top 5 people you are mentoring and coaching to help them refine their models?  

Who do you turn to on the outside of your organization that is experienced and unbiased to help give you perspective?

Fee Structures for Preconstruction Services and CM@Risk Projects
How much should you charge? How much can you charge? How should you structure it? What do you really want out of it? Answering these four questions sets the stage for effectively selling your preconstruction services.
002 - The Construction Contractor Business Model (Intro)
As contractors grow, their business model complexity evolves, affecting structure, management, and people. Visualizing this reveals bottlenecks. Includes 3 hours of examples and 50+ resources (tools, books, training, articles) to help your business grow.
Budgeting the Right Time for New Tools
Have you ever created a tool or process for your company only to find that people aren’t using it effectively and some don’t even know about it?