Crisis Builds Great Companies

How effectively will your contracting business deal with the many changes facing the industry?

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Andrew S. Grove (Founder, former Chairman and CEO of Intel) has a lot of great insight about both day-to-day management as well as how to lead through the inflection points that every company faces.

Quote: Bad companies are destroyed by crisis. Good companies survive them. Great companies are improved by them. Andrew S. Grove.

It is the rigorous daily management systems that build a team capable of rapidly identifying then growing through crisis. 

This insight about dealing with challenges applies at the company level but stands on a foundation at the team and ultimately at the individual level.

How would you evaluate your team’s situational awareness when it comes to seeing changes in the industry and how you can turn those into opportunities?  

We work with contractors to align every element of their organization around effective strategies.  More importantly we work with their teams to continuously prepare them for dealing with the inevitable bumps in the road they will experience. 

Learn more about our approach

Pulling Knowledge
There are few things that will accelerate career and team development faster than improving learning capability. Some thought processes and habits that accelerate learning are:
Responsibility, Results, and Compensation
If you want to grow your career, always seek additional responsibility while pushing your limits in every way to produce business results. The compensation will always follow.
CFMA: Talent Pipelining
Contractors will face continually worsening talent shortages through 2030. Those that want to continue sustainable growth must manage every aspect of their talent management processes with extreme rigor.