Increased Value by Lowering Variability

A construction business is capable of providing a very high return to the owners who have their capital at risk as well as the team members that work there.

D. Brown Management Profile Picture

The leadership teams of contractors must constantly assess where the business is at in the growth cycle and whether their current strategy, structure, talent and management processes are ready for the next stage of growth.  

Leadership Tools: Increase Business Value by Lowering Variability. Sustainable Growth through Balanced Execution.

As a business is growing; especially with a strong leader in place it is easy to become what we call a hollow contractor.  A hollow contractor typically has performed extremely well in some years.  

What they are typically missing is a depth of talent at all levels supported by scalable processes and training that enables sustainable growth.   

  1. Get your market strategy right ensuring consistency through various economic cycles.
  2. Set up your organizational structure to support this market strategy.  Focus on the roles and capabilities that are necessary; not the people.  
  3. Know where your talent gaps are in both bodies and capabilities.  
  4. Aggressively fill those gaps through training, recruiting and when necessary by terminating.    

Only after this foundation is well under way should you focus on the next steps.  

Markets (Benchmarks, Trends, Forecasts, and Predictions)
Benchmarks, trends, forecasts, and predictions about the market(s) that contractors work within including the overall economy, specific industry sectors, specific geographies, project delivery methods, regulations, and financing.
Tim Ferriss Quote - Life Punishes the Vague Request
One of the best things about Tim Ferriss's book, TRIBE OF MENTORS, is the introductory chapter where Tim describes lessons learned in asking good questions over the years.
Communicating as a Leader
Leadership is about the ability to influence and align people. And that is largely about effective communication and consistent actions.