Not All Growth is Visible Above the Surface

Deep roots equal strong trees, and the same is true for strong people. Those roots include relationships and skills that are largely invisible for years while they are being built. Like an iceberg, there is always a lot more going on under the surface.

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  • All trees and plants grow at different speeds - just like people.
  • There is a correlation between strong roots and strong trees - just like people.
  • There is usually a lot more going on below the surface than above - just like people.
  • Conditions have a lot to do with both speed of growth and strength - just like people.


Planting seeds and nurturing growth:

  1. Are you providing unconditional love to those you are leading and influencing - starting with yourself?
  2. Are you continually building trust - starting with yourself?
  3. Are you continually adding clarity to what you want - for yourself and others?
  4. Are you progressively developing better standards which for the basis for all training and improvement?
  5. Are you investing the right amount learning and training while you are doing things?
  6. Are you intentional in your planning and doing so you can continually improve - for yourself and others?

Each of these questions requires digging deeply into yourself first and only then can you truly help others develop at their optimum rate. 

"Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself." - Rumi





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