Recruit, Develop, and Retain

We help contractors grow profitably by focusing relentlessly on all aspects of talent development.

D. Brown Management Profile Picture

We help contractors grow profitably by focusing relentlessly on all aspects of talent development. We were founded in 2005 with the primary objective of helping contractors effectively navigate the changing dynamics of talent including the shortage, millennials and succession.

Leadership Tools: Recruit, Develop, and Retain. Contractors who master their talent processes will dominate tomorrow.

We exist to help contractors build stronger businesses for the next generation by leveraging talent, technology and capital.

Our philosophy is simple but powerful: Talented people form the foundation of every great company, and if you grow people, you will grow equity.

Our hands-on approach provides a valuable third-party perspective, unbiased facilitation, training, and specialty expertise.

There are no perfect or simple solutions to this complex problem. We have learned a lot of lessons and continue to build our capabilities while serving our clients every day.

How much would it be worth to your business to improve your talent management capabilities?

What did lack of talent or the wrong talent cost you last year?

Please schedule a call with our team and let’s learn more about each other. We are not the right fit for every contractor and we will be transparent if that is the case.

Enabling Hierarchies are Critical for Success
Just about everything in life and business have hierarchies including people, principles, policies, strategies, plans, processes, and projects. These must evolve with growth and changing conditions while avoiding stifling levels of controls and ego.
The Cost of Specializaton
Learn the right balance between specialists and generalists. Specialization is great and is what has allowed all of us to continually experience improved lives for generations. However, when taken too far, specialization can become a liability.
Capital Use Policies
Capital is to contractors what blood is to our bodies. We can survive days without water and weeks without food but seconds after losing blood flow we lose consciousness. Capital enables the execution of effective talent and market strategies.