The 5th Knot - A Lesson in Never Quitting

How far are you willing to push yourself to get what you want?

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There are few things that drive success more than simply never giving up.  Rob O'Neill tells a great story about what never quitting really means.  

Quote: You're not having a bad life; you're having a bad day. Saying never quit and never quitting are two different things. Rob O'Neill retired Navy SEAL

Related Book:  The Operator

Missing Person Protocol
One of the biggest challenges of growth is keeping an ever-increasing number of people aligned. With nearly everyone being over-scheduled and focusing on competing priorities, a missing person protocol is critical for successful meetings and decisions.
Summary Definition: Aptitude X Desire X Learning and Practice = Capability and Capacity
This is the basic formula that determines what an individual and team will have in terms of capability and capacity.
Work Conversion Cycle and Backlog Run-Off
PARADOX: A contractor can’t focus on the bigger strategic issues until they have a predictable backlog of work. If a contractor doesn’t have a solid market strategy and organizational structure in place it’s very difficult to build a consistent backlog.