The Best Choice

Whether it is a decision about your best strategy or the best production plan on a project learning how to make effective choices is critical.

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Leadership Tools: The Best Choice is the one you make, the one you commit to, and the one you learn from.

If you have involved a good team then reasonably debated the options and the choice is still not clear then the best decision is usually to just decide.  

Observe, Orient, Decide, and Act (The OODA Loop)
The OODA Loop is a decision-making framework originally developed for the military to make agility a competitive advantage. The focus on fast, localized decisions in rapidly changing environments aligns well with construction projects and businesses.
Discipline Vs. Motivation
Leadership requires a balance between motivation and discipline. These are two very different things and if you are relying on motivation to keep you going it is likely that you will come up short on long-term goals.
Competency and Compensation
A large part of sustainable growth for contractors is being able to effectively leverage people with a narrower set of skills to still deliver the same level of value-add to the customer.