Agile Project Management vs. Critical Path Method

The Critical Path Method (CPM) of project management is very commonly used in the management of construction projects.

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CPM works very well when the components of the design and the project are mostly known to all responsible parties. CPM focuses on either a single value-delivery event such as the completion of a building or in major phases such as turning over a floor at a time.  

Management Tools: Agile Project Management vs Critical Path Method (CPM).

CPM does not work as well in situations where there are significant “Known-Unknowns” about the plan CPM really breaks down when there are “Unknown-Unknowns”:

  • The final destination isn’t crystal clear; even to the leader
  • The path to get there has unknowns
  • The tools and tactics required to get there aren’t known to the team

In these situations more agile management methods are required either in conjunction with or to replace CPM:

There are similarities between all methods.  Develop the systems that work best for your company at this point in time.

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