Definition of Integrity

Your culture can be defined as the behavioral norms within your organization.

D. Brown Management Profile Picture

The right culture is critical for attracting and retaining the right talent.  Without the right talent a contractor can’t grow sustainably.

Leadership Tools: Integrity Definition. Quote: Choosing courage over comfort, choosing what's right over what's fun, fast, or easy, and practicing your values not just professing your values" Brene Brown.

Companies often define these as their values.  One of the values that often comes up is ‘Integrity’ and while it is a great word it is important to define exactly what it means including the associated behaviors.  

Brené Brown’s definition of integrity:

“Choosing courage over comfort, choosing what’s right over what’s fun, fast or easy, and practicing your values not just professing your values”

Brené Brown

Integrity is part of building trust and trust is the foundation of a well-functioning team.

  • Are the values for your company clearly defined as behaviors (“I will always do ______”) 
  • Do people consistently demonstrate these behaviors creating a strong culture?
  • Do you have stories that reinforce these behaviors even when they were difficult?  
  • Do you have systems in place to continuously teach and reinforce these behaviors?
  • Are these behaviors the right ones that will lead you to sustainable growth?

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