Leveraging Geographic Expansion for Leadership Development

Geographic expansion is impacting all contractors whether it is major customers pulling them into new markets, new competition coming into their “hometown” or as a proactive strategic growth move by the contractor.

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Given the talent shortage that will be 3X worse by 2020 contractors must look at ways to accelerate their leadership development.

Geographic Expansion Leadership Development. How can you leverage geographic expansion for leadership development?

If managed right geographic expansion can be a great tool for developing leadership.  The organizational structure has to be setup correctly with the right levels of training, coaching, mentoring and management in place.  This is a tricky balance to strike with some of the tactics being counter intuitive. 

Don’t underestimate either the value or the challenges of geographic expansion. 

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Definition - Training
The process of Increasing the knowledge and skills of someone, typically shorter-term and in the context of being able to perform in their current role at a competency level that meets standards.
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