Making a Contractor Less Risky

It is often hard for the owners of contracting businesses to think of themselves as separate from those that are managing the daily operations.

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Making this shift in mindset along with putting the right controls and talent development systems in place will unlock a lot of value in the business while decreasing risk.

Leadership Tools: Lower Risk and Increase Value. The Right Basic Control and The Right Management Team.

There are two major things that will control risk and variability for the ownership:

  1. Develop the right levels of controls that provide reasonable capital protection for the ownership while allowing the management team the flexibility necessary to operate the business.  
  2. Develop and retain the right talent on the core management team to deal with all of the inevitable problems that will arise.

Ensure that your business grows smoothly through the next cycle of growth.

Contact us to learn more about our approach to preparing contractors for sustainable growth and succession

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