Measuring Customer Satisfaction - Net Promoter Score

One method of measuring customer satisfaction is the Net Promoter Score.

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The Net Promoter Score / System (NPS) is a simple but rigorous survey methodology. 

Scoreboard: On a scale of 0-10 would you recommend ABC Construction for your next project? What is the primary reason for your answer?

Regardless of how you measure it, customer satisfaction is critical for a contractor and must be top-of-mind for everyone when looking at their scoreboard.  

NPS starts with a couple of simple questions:

  1. On a scale of 0-10, would you recommend ABC Construction for your next project? 
  2. What is the primary reason for your answer?

The important part is the follow-up on the reasons cited in the second question for continuous improvement.

Turning this methodology into a regular system is what can really set contractors apart. We have seen some contractors who survey their customers each month throughout a project and are continuously improving each month. This ensures recurring work with satisfied customers.

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