Pulling Knowledge

There are few things that will accelerate career and team development faster than improving learning capability.

D. Brown Management Profile Picture
Lean Learning Tools: Pulling Knowledge and Rigorous Feedback and Repetition.

Some thought processes and habits that accelerate learning are:

Succession Fact #2: Desire & Competencies in the Management Team
Succession Fact #2: No exit strategy or deal structure will create desire, alignment, and competencies in the management team. With that said, it is incredibly important that the exit strategy and structure of the deal maintains and enhances the team.
Cash Flow Tip 11 - Managing Change Orders
A well managed change order process will have a hugely positive impact on customer satisfaction, profitability, and cash flow. Poorly managed, this will negatively impact all three and will sometimes impact cash for years.
Cash Flow Tip 16 - 5/10/15 Collection Process
Use the 5/10/15 Collection Process to ensure faster payments. Don’t let the marginal gains achieved so far with Cash Flow Tips 1-15 get squandered by poor collection practices.