Pulling Knowledge

There are few things that will accelerate career and team development faster than improving learning capability.

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Lean Learning Tools: Pulling Knowledge and Rigorous Feedback and Repetition.

Some thought processes and habits that accelerate learning are:

Profitability and Cash Flow: From Goal to Plan to Process to Prerequisite
Profitability and cash flow evolve with a contractor's growth, transitioning from goals to plans, to processes, and finally to prerequisites that sustain the business.
Aligning Career and Company Trajectories
Alignment of the people and job roles within a contracting business is what creates the synergies (1+1=3). Alignment of career and business trajectories is what makes both sustainable.
Evolution of Project Delivery Methods
Project delivery methods for contractors will become increasingly more integrated from project owner through all key parts of the supply chain, which is a return to models used in the early 1900s with some modernization improvements.