The Business of Building Series

Building projects requires technical expertise and resources. Building a construction business is about developing and aligning those capabilities with customers. Growth and time require different leadership focus, strategies, systems, and structure.

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This is a series of training, discussions, and resources that apply to contractors at all stages of growth. These include the what, how, and why levels of training and resources. We will cover most aspects of growing a contractor's business. The discussions include real-world examples of application and outcomes, both good and bad. 


  1. Stages of Construction Contractor Growth (Intro)
  2. The Construction Contractor Business Model (Intro)
  3. The Talent Value Stream (TVS)
  4. Job Role Transitions (Intro)
  5. Prioritization Basics
  6. Job Role Description Basics
  7. Strategic Decisions at all Levels
  8. Scoreboards and Scorecards (Intro)
  9. Building Strength-Based Teams (Intro)
  10. Management Systems (10 Principles)


The Business of Building Series
Building projects requires technical expertise and resources. Building a construction business is about developing and aligning those capabilities with customers. A series of discussions about all elements of a construction business at all stages of growth, including real-world examples of application and outcomes both good and bad....

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