BIM Culture

Virtual Design & Construction (VDC) is changing every aspect of project delivery.

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Leadership Tools: Quote: BIM is 10% technology and 90% sociology. Scott Simpson. Book: BIM and Construction Management by Brad Hardin and Dave McCool.

There is a lot of technology involved and many technical challenges.  But ultimately the biggest challenges are about talent:

  • Working collaboratively across functional areas and companies
  • Learning new things - constantly
  • Dealing with setbacks - constantly
  • Longer range project planning than is typical
  • Planning with a greater attention to detail than is typical
  • Designing for fabrication and installation with automation where possible 
  • Greater transparency across everyone on the whole project delivery team

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We spend a lot of time improving workflows at the project and company level.  A high-involvement approach is nearly always best and that requires breaking down a lot of walls while building a culture of collaboration and problem solving without blame. 

Schedule a call to learn more. 

Problem-Resolution Cost Pyramid - Earlier is Always Better
An easy way to visualize the cost of problem resolution at different stages of construction is with this pyramid. The cost of the problem is the cost of the problem (1X). Finding it ahead of time minimizes the costs and maximizes customer satisfaction.
The Contractor Scoreboard - A Contractor Must Do 3 Things
This outcome-based scoreboard keeps everyone focused on what matters. Avoid metric overload and diffusion of resources. All other metrics throughout all levels of the organization fall into a hierarchy below these with priorities changing over time.
Multipliers for Success at All Levels
As a leader in the construction business, you can think about success in three broad areas.