BIM Culture

Virtual Design & Construction (VDC) is changing every aspect of project delivery.

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Leadership Tools: Quote: BIM is 10% technology and 90% sociology. Scott Simpson. Book: BIM and Construction Management by Brad Hardin and Dave McCool.

There is a lot of technology involved and many technical challenges.  But ultimately the biggest challenges are about talent:

  • Working collaboratively across functional areas and companies
  • Learning new things - constantly
  • Dealing with setbacks - constantly
  • Longer range project planning than is typical
  • Planning with a greater attention to detail than is typical
  • Designing for fabrication and installation with automation where possible 
  • Greater transparency across everyone on the whole project delivery team

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We spend a lot of time improving workflows at the project and company level.  A high-involvement approach is nearly always best and that requires breaking down a lot of walls while building a culture of collaboration and problem solving without blame. 

Schedule a call to learn more. 

Leading Change Quote - Arthur Schopenhauer
If you see something that no one else sees you are either genius or crazy of some combination of the two. If what you see is so big that you can’t ignore it be prepared for a long journey through the process of change.
Diffusion of Innovations Curve - Leading Change
The contractors that dominate tomorrow’s market will be those that have built strong capabilities for identifying opportunities or problems and then rapidly making lasting changes throughout the organization.
Continuous Improvement - Takes or Saves Time
I am too busy to learn to improve the process! This statement is only funny because it is so true. It is one of the first mindsets you have to break within yourself and then within your team if you want to achieve consistent operational excellence.