Building a Systems Development Team - Robotics

Are the robots coming? If so, what does that mean for our business and systems development team?

Steve Jost Profile Picture
Contributors Chris Hodge David Brown
  1. Robots are already here! In mining and civil engineering, heavy equipment is operating semi-autonomously already. The use of drones in construction is really taking off. Robotic or mechanical assist is another automation technology that is making its way onto job sites. 
  2. Systems development teams will have to continuously look forward and keep their ear to the ground on new technologies. Being curious and not being afraid to try new things will be critical skills to have on your team, as will skill with databases and data analysis. 
  3. What impact will AI have on my systems development? Artificial intelligence (AI) abilities are growing by the day. AI can already write code, schedule appointments, and chat with real people. AI struggles with ambiguity, and people skilled in process and requirements definition will always be needed in your business, regardless of “who” is doing the coding.

This is Part 17 of an 18-Part Series

Topics Covered in the Series Include:

  • Time & Money
  • Management
  • Workflow
  • Software
  • Developers

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