Definition - Discipline
Building a project requires knowledge of, and skill in using thousands of construction-specific definitions, acronyms, and metrics. Building a business including the development of people has its own vocabulary forming the foundation of communication....

Definition - Discipline
Building a project requires knowledge of, and skill in using thousands of construction-specific definitions, acronyms, and metrics. Building a business including the development of people has its own vocabulary forming the foundation of communication....

Org Structure Planning (50%)
Planning for a 50% organizational structure is valuable both for contingency planning and for highlighting growth opportunities. Constraints breed creativity, and there is no greater constraint than talent.
Definition - Standard
Level of Performance required. May relate to a job role (person), team, company, materials, equipment, facility, etc. Required by business model as part of achieving strategic objectives.
5-Step Foreman Coaching Outline
Accelerating the development of foremen is one of the most critical things a contractor can do to improve project outcomes and mitigate the craft labor shortage. This 5-step outline will form the foundation of a great coaching program.