Intelligence Progression from Fluid to Crystallized

Understanding fluid versus crystallized intelligence is critical for hiring, training, organizational structures, workflows, and retirement planning.

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Fluid intelligence is our ability to solve new problems, think abstractly, and adapt to novel situations. It peaks in early adulthood and declines with age. Crystallized intelligence is our accumulated knowledge, experience, and skills. It grows over time as we learn more.

A construction business thrives when fluid intelligence drives innovation, and crystallized intelligence prevents costly mistakes. Hiring managers must identify the right mix of both for each role, ensuring adaptability for the future while leveraging deep industry wisdom.

A construction company's training program must balance fluid intelligence (problem-solving, adaptability) and crystallized intelligence (experience, industry knowledge).

  • Early-career training should focus on developing fluid intelligence—teaching young professionals how to think critically, solve problems, and adapt to new challenges.
  • Mid-to-late career training should focus on expanding crystallized intelligence—leveraging past experience, deepening industry knowledge, and mentoring others.

A structured training and development program should align with career progression, ensuring employees grow in both intelligence areas.

Crystallized intelligence—the deep knowledge and expertise gained over decades—directly impacts an individual’s ability to coach, mentor, and transfer knowledge to the next generation.

As people approach late career and retirement, their role shifts from direct problem-solving to teaching others how to solve problems. A structured transition plan ensures maximized knowledge transfer, extended career engagement, and a smooth shift to part-time or advisory roles before full retirement.


Arthur C. Brooks describes these very well including how to leverage them in careers and life.

From Strength to Strength: Finding Success, Happiness, and Deep Purpose in the Second Half of Life


Studying these differences will help with organizational development, navigating stages of growth, and mastering job role transitions through your own succession and "Retirement Masterpiece." 

Sue Weiler-Doke went back to school to get a master's degree in organizational psychology after 30 years in construction leadership and a doctorate focused on helping contractors with retirement and succession planning at the enterprise level. Contact us to discuss the specifics of your vision, business, and team. 


History and Related Concepts

The concept was first introduced by psychologist Raymond Cattell in 1963 as part of his "Gf-Gc Theory" and related to other bodies of knowledge including:

  • The DIKW Pyramid explaining how raw data becomes actionably wisdom
  • Daniel Kahneman's "Thinking, Fast and Slow
    • System 1 (Fast Thinking): Intuitive and automatic based on fluid intelligence.
    • System 2 (Slow Thinking): Deliberate and logical based on crystalized intelligence.
  • Dreyfus Model of Skill Acquisition
    • Novice – Needs strict rules and step-by-step guidance.
    • Advanced Beginner – Can apply rules but struggles with edge cases.
    • Competent – Can troubleshoot common issues but lacks deep intuition.
    • Proficient – Sees patterns and anticipates problems before they happen.
    • Expert – Functions based on intuition and experience (crystallized intelligence).
  • Polanyi's Knowledge Theory (Tacit vs. Explicit)
    • Explicit Knowledge: Can be documented and taught (e.g., estimating formulas, safety regulations).
      Tacit Knowledge: Comes from experience, intuition, and pattern recognition (e.g., "gut feel" on market opportunity).
  • SECI Model of Knowledge Dimensions
    • Socialization: Tacit knowledge shared through experience (apprenticeships, shadowing senior leaders).
    • Externalization: Tacit knowledge is converted into explicit processes (best practice guides, playbooks).
    • Combination: Different pieces of explicit knowledge are structured into larger frameworks (company-wide training programs).
    • Internalization: Explicit knowledge becomes tacit again as people internalize skills through practice.
  • Leadership Decision-Making and Management Execution in VUCA Environments. VUCA is an acronym based on the leadership theories of Warren Bennis and Burt Nanus, to describe or to reflect on the volatility, uncertainty, complexity and ambiguity of general conditions and situations. 
    • Anticipate the key issues that emerge.
    • Understand the repercussions of particular issues and actions.
    • Appreciate how variables interrelate.
    • Prepare for diverse scenarios and challenges.
    • Interpret and tackle pertinent opportunities.
  • Observe, Orient, Decide, and Act (OODA Loop)

It's worth spending some time studying these connections. Some may resonate more than others, depending on your experience.


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