Site Logistics Manager

About 20% of the field labor hours are spent on material logistics and daily mobilization, demobilization to the work area.

D. Brown Management Profile Picture

What if you could shift 5% of the time spent on logistics to installation while accelerating your foreman development?

Field Productivity: Role as a Site Logistics Manager. Mission: Maximize Time-on-Tools (ToT) for Field Crew. 4 Key Results.

Depending on the work study only 50-64% of the work hours are spent on actual installation or “Time-on-Tools”.  

For a $50M per year specialty contractor with labor being about 35% of their job costs this is a savings of OVER $1,000,000 per year.  

Consider changing the role of “Material Handler” being an entry-level person to a role of “Site Logistics Manager.” 

Fill this role with a high-potential crafts person who has already demonstrated capabilities as a lead person overseeing a few people.  This is a role they will fill before being given their own job to run.  

They have 100% accountability for 3 of the 6 pillars of productivity:

They serve as the “Right Hand” and “Second-in-Command” to the Foreman, General Foreman or Project Superintendent who focus on the other 3 pillars of productivity:

  • Right labor scheduled to the right areas of the jobsite.
  • Given the right information for an effective install.
  • Clear production goals set and managed.

The military assigns Generals to run logistics.  Why do contractors typically assign entry level people for something that eats up 20% of the labor?  

Learn more

Site Logistics Manager
Field labor is the often the biggest variable on a construction project - making it the biggest risk and opportunity....

Site Logistics Manager
Field labor is the often the biggest variable on a construction project - making it the biggest risk and opportunity....

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