Summary Definition: Aptitude X Desire X Learning and Practice = Capability and Capacity

This is the basic formula that determines what an individual and team will have in terms of capability and capacity.

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Aptitude X Desire X Learning and Practice = Capability and Capacity


Any one of these can be a "Zero Multiplier."

All the desire and aptitude in the world is nothing with time spent learning and deliberately practicing


Summary Definition: Aptitude X Desire X Learning and Practice = Capability and Capacity
Building a project requires knowledge of, and skill in using thousands of construction-specific definitions, acronyms, and metrics. Building a business including the development of people has its own vocabulary forming the foundation of communication....

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Summary Definition: Aptitude X Desire X Learning and Practice = Capability and Capacity
Building a project requires knowledge of, and skill in using thousands of construction-specific definitions, acronyms, and metrics. Building a business including the development of people has its own vocabulary forming the foundation of communication....

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Summary Definition: Aptitude X Desire X Learning and Practice = Capability and Capacity
This is the basic formula that determines what an individual and team will have in terms of capability and capacity.
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