Calm and Deliberate Action

Slow is smooth and smooth is fast.

D. Brown Management Profile Picture

Fast is fine, but accuracy is everything. You need to take your time in a hurry.

Wyatt Earp

This advice is invaluable, whether it's about a gunfight--which Wyatt Earp was referring to--or leading a team through a crisis. Calm and deliberate action is what's required, often from incomplete and conflicting information.  

Be the calm in the storm.  

Leadership Tools for COVID-19: Calm Deliberate Action

There is nothing simple about what's been happening the last couple of weeks and what will be happening for the next 6-10 weeks. The following couple of years will most likely bring a lot of unknowns with the general economic fallout, along with some market sectors growing rapidly.  

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Calm and Deliberate Action
Slow is smooth and smooth is fast. This advice is invaluable when leading a team through a crisis. Calm and deliberate action is what's required, often from incomplete and conflicting information.