Cash Flow: Key Reasons Why

Cash flow is one of the 7 basic objectives of a construction project team and one of the 7 drivers of contracting business valuation.

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Cash Flow: 7 Project Team Objects and 7 Drivers of Business Value.

When you align your executive, finance, and project teams around improving your cash flow scoreboard, you will develop business management skills throughout the organization.  

These business management skills and the alignment of the team are what will keep a contractor growing sustainably throughout the different stages of growth.

For effective succession, a contractor must focus on all aspects of talent development but there is no scenario in which ownership succession can happen without great cash flow.

Recap of Cash Flow 

We are revamping our publicly available cash flow workshop that includes these 18 tactics that contractors can use to accelerate cash flow. Stay informed of updates on release.

Cash Flow: Key Reasons Why
Great cash flow is a key driver of valuation and successful successions. Running out of cash is is the #1 reason contractors fail. Improving cash flow improves your Return on Equity. Protect yourself and never let cash flow be the limitation to your profitable growth....

Cash Flow: Key Reasons Why
Great cash flow is a key driver of valuation and successful successions. Running out of cash is is the #1 reason contractors fail. Improving cash flow improves your Return on Equity. Protect yourself and never let cash flow be the limitation to your profitable growth....

Balancing Exploration and Exploitation
Exploitation involves choosing the best option based on current knowledge of the system which may be incomplete or misleading. Exploration involves testing new options that could lead to better future outcomes but drawing resources away from exploitation.
The Toolbox of a Leader
Contractors know how important it is for their crafts people to have a toolbox (and bags) full of well maintained tools. As a leader in a construction business you must build your own toolbox.
Aligning Projects and People
The business of building is largely about aligning projects and people. Contractors exist to build projects. People design and build the projects. The management team, structure, and systems bring it all together.