Prepare Your Business - Capital

In times of uncertainty, the best strategy is to do everything possible to preserve your capital and ensure credit will be available as needed.

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Leadership Tools for COVID-19: Prepare your business starting with the basics. 3 Key Business Requirements. Protect your Capital.

Learn from the lessons of history

The above points are not prescriptive in nature, but should definitely be considered as you and your management team prepare for the many many tough choices ahead. 

“If you haven't read hundreds of books, learning from others who went before you, you are functionally illiterate – you can't coach and you can't lead.” - General Mattis

We can all learn many lessons from history that are very applicable in today’s situation.  

18 tips that you can use to improve your cash flow:  

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3 Critical Buckets for Life and Construction
The best advice for life, building projects, building careers, and building construction businesses boils down to three buckets.
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Learn the right balance between specialists and generalists. Specialization is great and is what has allowed all of us to continually experience improved lives for generations. However, when taken too far, specialization can become a liability.
Changes and Cash Flow Improvement
Construction is a cash-intensive business and change orders are often one of the root causes of poor cash flow. A 30-day improvement to change management workflow can generate over $400K in additional cash flow for a $50M contractor.