Problem Finders vs. Problem Solvers

Patty McCord represents the shift that construction contractors must make in how they view HR’s role as it integrates with the company’s strategy and execution.

D. Brown Management Profile Picture

Patty McCord has been on the front-lines of a war for talent that really kicked off for technology companies in 1998 but didn’t make it to the construction vocabulary until around 2016.  

Quote: Problem finders are cheap. Patty McCord.


Forbes Article

Selected Interviews:

Discipline Vs. Motivation
Leadership requires a balance between motivation and discipline. These are two very different things and if you are relying on motivation to keep you going it is likely that you will come up short on long-term goals.
Seven Drivers of Valuation
A significant number of contractors will be going through an ownership transition during the next decade. These transitions impact many people, especially the owners and the management teams.
Increased Value by Lowering Variability
A construction business is capable of providing a very high return to the owners who have their capital at risk as well as the team members that work there. Contractors with lower variability in profitability are both more valuable and more sustainable.