Talent - Sustainably Integrating the 4 Priorities

Integration of responsibilities for field leaders is important in order to to be sustainable.

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Field Productivity: Talent - Sustaining the 4 Key Responsibilities. Safety, Production, Customer Satisfaction, and Quality.

Field leaders in construction are faced with four sometimes competing responsibilitiesEffective planning is the only way to truly integrate these responsibilities.  Developing a pipeline of strong field leaders is the only way to make this integration sustainable in the long-term.  

When assessing the strategic importance of investing in your talent acquisition and development processes at the field leadership level it is important to understand the depth of the talent shortage over time.  

The field leadership that is effectively managing your more complex and high-risk projects have built their expertise over decades.  Many of them are in their mid-40’s before they have made enough mistakes to have the experience to manage that risk.  

Looking forward there will be a huge drop in the sheer quantity of people in that age range in the United States.  

Contractors who invest in accelerating the development of their talent while leveraging technology will dominate the construction market of tomorrow.  

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