Want Does Not Create Capability

“Vision without action is a daydream.” - Japanese Proverb

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Having a want does not create capability or opportunity.

Having a vision, want or even a need means nothing.  It is only through planning, hard work and time that you will achieve your goals.  This applies whether you are an apprentice just starting out or the CEO of a complex construction business.  

“No One Owes You Anything”

Amelia Boone

Bias for Action - the Behavior that Matters

Doing Something is Worth Lots

Discipline vs. Motivation

Budgeting the Right Resources for Execution

Production Tracking - Changing the Language
Your productivity will start to really improve as it becomes a culture and not just a tracking system. You will first notice this as a change in language in the field and across the whole project team.
7 Major Stakeholder Groups in Ownership Transitions
As contractors plan for ownership transitions, there are seven major stakeholder groups that will sometimes have competing wants and needs that must be identified and brought into alignment.
A Prepared Mind, Body, and Home Creates a Strong Foundation
It will be impossible for people to fully focus on critical business issues if they aren’t solid in mind, body, and home. Career and business growth will always be stronger with a stable foundation.