Improving Field Productivity

Field labor is often the biggest variable on a construction project, making it the biggest risk and opportunity.

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4-8 Hours (Per Group - Larger or Multi-Location Contractors May Do Multiple Groups)

Build a roadmap to improve your field productivity by at least 10%. Learn the most impactful strategies, tactics, and tools sparking conversations and ACTION across your whole team. Training is tailored specifically for your team and project dynamics.
Learning Objectives

  • Understanding the six factors most impacting labor productivity
  • Understanding specific impacts to your projects over the last 90 days 
  • How to improve the "Award-to-Start" phase of your projects
  • How to apply the Six Pillars of Productivity to your weekly and daily planning
  • How to identify, quantify, and fight back against external productivity impacts
  • How to exit the project without the last 10% costing you 20% of the budget
Who Should Attend

  • All Labor-Intensive Contractors
  • Foremen & Crew Leaders
  • Superintendents
  • Project Managers
  • Estimators and Precon
  • Purchasing and Prefab
  • Owners and Executives



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There is typically a 2X productivity difference between the fastest 25% of your field workforce and the slowest 25%. That is probably not very surprising though we will explain how we have consistently seen contractors measure this difference. 

The surprising fact is that this gap isn't even close to the biggest factor in field productivity. Dive deeper with your team into the other major factors and to what degree you are experiencing each of them on your projects. 


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Engage Your Whole Team for Maximum Results

Maximizing field productivity requires collaborative communication and action across every role on your team.

  • Bring full cross-sections of your project team together in one or more locations for this training.  Labor productivity is a team sport.  
  • Use this training as a catalyst and schedule time immediately afterward to develop a roadmap specific to your company.  Bring in food and make it fun. 


Rapid-Fire Format for Idea Generation and Reinforcement

There is no one-size-fits-all formula for improving labor productivity. Every contractor, project, and project team has different dynamics. We have brought together the most relevant production principles, strategies, tactics, and tools based on:

  • Our individual experiences in the field and as contractors
  • Lessons learned working with hundreds of contractors across the United States
  • Experience of the many other experts in the construction industry and beyond

The most important objective of this training is that you pick out the ideas that will impact your team the most at this time and focus on executing them.  Topics covered include:

  • Creating the "Perfect Day" for field productivity
  • The ABC daily planning and productivity improvement
  • The 4 sometimes competing responsibilities of the foreman
  • Plan execution and achieving both schedule and production
  • Exercise:  Quantifying your last 30 days of production impacts
  • Short-Interval-Planning (SIP), tracking progress, and improving
  • The 4 elements of an effective task for planning
  • Basics of lean construction
  • The 4 major levels of the productivity improvement pyramid
  • Identifying and eliminating waste in production
  • The 6 Pillars of Task Productivity
  • The value of a clean and organized jobsite
  • Providing clear information in installation details
  • Finding and fixing problems before construction
  • Site logistics for materials, tools, and equipment
  • Quantifying productivity impacts, and fighting back
  • The basics of production tracking
  • The link between talent and productivity
  • Other resources for improving productivity
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The value of training cannot be measured by cost alone.  It must be measured by the impact it has on your team and ultimately, the results produced.  Depending on your situation, private training tailored specifically for your company may have the best return. 

  • Integration of metrics, terminology, pictures, projects, examples, and other specifics for your company and the markets you compete in.  
  • Group exercises designed to help with your biggest priorities.  
  • Integration of other content from across all of our training and development programs used with our retainer clients based on your specific needs. 
  • Delivery times are typically 1/2 day spent with labor productivity training and facilitation tailored specifically for your company followed up with 1/2 day spent on developing the improvement roadmap. 
  • Follow-up sessions designed to ensure progress is being made.
  • Development of a multi-part training program to accelerate development of your team.

Cost varies based on the level of tailoring, location, and scheduling.  Please schedule a conversation to see if private training could be the best option for your company.  


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D. Brown Management helps construction contractors grow profitably.

We believe the construction industry is an integral part of the backbone of our country. We exist to help contractors build stronger businesses for the next generation by leveraging talent, technology, and capital through alignment and transparency.