Prerequisites for Success - Real or False Limits?

The first step in achieving what you want is to ask yourself one very critical question:

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Are the prerequisites I have defined for my success real? Or...are they self-imposed, false limits?

Leadership Tools: Are the Prerequisites you have defined for your success real? Or are they self-imposed false limits?

Many times, we don’t even know that we are limiting ourselves.

Regardless of the position we hold or the experiences we have, none of us know everything. There are things we do where we are at the top of the competence pyramid: Unconscious Competence.  

There are just as many areas where we are at the bottom of the pyramid: Unconscious Incompetence. We don’t know what we don’t know and, therefore, don’t even know to try to learn.  

Worse yet is when our confidence exceeds our competence, driving up our egos, and we actively resist learning.  

It is best to stay humble. Assume we can all learn a lot more about a lot more things.  

At the same time, stay ambitious and seek that knowledge, pushing yourself to new limits.  

Remember that most of us come nowhere near pushing our limits. We are all capable of so much more if we don’t define false roadblocks to our success.  

Ask “What would have to be true for this strategy to work?” and then go about figuring out how to make that happen.   

No excuses. Take Extreme Ownership and achieve the success you deserve.

Ownership Transition Timelines
While it is possible for ownership transition timelines to be accelerated, that largely depends on the current condition of the company, including the management team and current owner.
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What Must Be True...
Asking the right strategic questions will ensure profitable growth in all economic conditions. Daily operational management is about adapting to what is currently true. Effective executive leadership creatively bridges the gap between the two.