Production Tracking - Changing the Language

Your productivity will start to really improve as it becomes a culture and not just a tracking system.

D. Brown Management Profile Picture
Field Productivity: Troubleshooting Problems when Production Tracking.

You will first notice this as a change in language in the field and across the whole project team:

--- EXAMPLE ---

FROM:  The job superintendent is disorganized and skipping us all over the project.

TO:  We are being moved all over the job site due to plan coordination errors.  Our framing productivity has been 78% of target for the last 3 days.  

How do you talk?

How does your team talk?

What can you do to improve?

What would that be worth?

Improving Labor Productivity Workshop

Production Tracking - Changing the Language
Field labor is the often the biggest variable on a construction project - making it the biggest risk and opportunity....

Production Tracking - Changing the Language
Field labor is the often the biggest variable on a construction project - making it the biggest risk and opportunity....

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