Field Productivity Grand Slam

When contractors are truly successful at improving their field productivity it is like the 1953 World Series.

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Compare it to Mickey Mantle’s pivotal Grand Slam during game 5 of the 1953 World Series.  The bases are loaded. You are at bat. The Big Four productivity home runs:

Field Productivity: Productivity Grand Slam.
  1. Improved profitability and cash flow.
  2. Timely production feedback builds crews faster.
  3. Better production will require less people in a very tight labor market.  
  4. Consistently demonstrated competency in project delivery equals delighted customers equals sustainable growth.

Focusing on field productivity improves every aspect of a Contractor’s Scoreboard. 

Improving Labor Productivity Workshop

Labor Productivity
Field labor is the often the biggest variable on a construction project - making it the biggest risk and opportunity....

Labor Productivity
Field labor is the often the biggest variable on a construction project - making it the biggest risk and opportunity....

The Process of Winning CMAR Projects
Everything you do is a process to be managed rigorously. Winning CM @ Risk projects is no different.
Success is Not Final and Failure is Not Fatal
The construction business is TOUGH! There will be years that go by where it seems you are on top of the world. There will be “perfect storms” where you have a bad project, a dip in the economy or lose a critical member of your team.
Early Identification as a Trainable Skill
The ability to identify potential changes early is a skill that can be tested, trained, and managed just like a craft skill.