Two Planning Dimensions

Some of the impacts you see on a project are not as clear as a design change, conflict, or obviously changed condition.

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Some impacts, such as poor project sequencing or congested work areas are hard to notice if you don’t have good tracking systems.  

Change Management: A Clear Project Plan and Feedback Systems. 2 Planning Dimensions, Schedule and Production.
  1. A change is ANY DEVIATION from your PLANNED EXECUTION of the project

  2. You won’t get compensated for all of them, but you want to identify all of them as early as possible, so you can effectively manage them through the process.

  3. Planning starts by breaking down a project into manageable tasks and then tracking progress and adjusting weekly.

  4. There are two major outcomes to be planned and measured - schedule and cost with quality and safety as “must-do” items that can never be sacrificed.  

  5. You need feedback on both of these weekly and cumulatively throughout the project to know if you are on-track or off-track. Combined with a rigorous forecasting system, you can identify impacts early. This is a trainable skill.

  6. You now need to use good Root Cause Analysis skills to develop a “Good Argument” for getting compensated if applicable. 

Two Planning Dimensions
Change orders are a fact of life in construction. Improve profitability, cash flow and customer satisfaction by effectively managing changes. Build a foundation for success with 12 steps to improve pricing and 11 negotiating strategies for the whole project team....

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